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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Metaphysical Solipsism

What is it
that makes
us smile
when we look
at a baby ?
Is it that
we know,
that a
baby knows
something that
we have
long forgotten.

It is
that feeling
that only
we exist.
The feeling
that the world
is a part
of our mind.
The feeling
that we are
one with
all that
there is.
That our
thoughts are
the only thing
that is real.
How can
we  know
if the
joy and pain
we get from
physical experiences
is any different
from the
emotional experiences.

We have
all felt
that way
but life
goes on.

We saw.
We feared.
We loved.
We cried.
We lived.
We learn.
We tried.
We failed.
We won.
We separated
ourselves, unknowingly.

So now
we stand
all alone
not knowing
right or wrong.
In these
lonely realms
of our minds.

It may
seem naive,
stupid and ignorant.
Call it
wishful thinking
if you may.
So what ?
Everything is
an illusion anyway.

Keep your
world close.
Keep it
for the ones
you love.
For all those
who could
never relate.
For all the
victims of
fear and hate.
For everyone
who chose life
as a topic
to debate.
Keep out those
who lack empathy
and remorse.
Keep out
the hypocrites
and liars.

For when
you know that
danger is real
but fear isn't.
Embrace indulgence
of the soul.
Be aware
but most
important of all,
be bold.

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