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Friday, December 9, 2011

Magical Night

By Using the above picture which is more natural , i tried making something more unrealistic,imaginary and magical. It is done by using some simple tools and techniques in photoshop.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Revolution in Education

Withstanding all the countless corruption in every existing institution, the most disregarded primary flaw begins with our very own education system. We have been brought up to believe that education makes us better individuals, alone and for the nation but this in reference to our current education structure is clearly another fallacy.

It is not in the interest of the education system to make the people mindful; rather it does just quite the opposite by limiting our knowledge to insignificant matters. Hence we never see problem solvers in the society. This is because the education system, from the elementary level to the integrated course, focuses on the extent of materials to be memorized precisely and have continually discounted the significance of valuable knowledge. To come to think of it, more than half of what we are taught throughout schooling by no means is applied or beneficial to us in practical life. Children are reluctantly fed myriad of historical, political and mythical stories, literature, linguistics and needless portion of science and mathematics. Confined subjective ideas are simply acknowledged while imaginative visions always dejected. Fields irrelevant to the dictated curriculum such as art, craft, music, dance and sports etc. are instinctively placed secondary if not discouraged. Liberal education has never been taken into consideration. And not to forget, with the increasing stress of examinations and competition; it’s turning out to be detrimental for a child’s unrestricted psychological and physical growth.

Also let’s not overlook the fact that education comes with a huge price today. Apart from just the fiscal view, a degree from a renowned university would either cost you the savings of your father’s 10 years of committed labor or buy you a loan debt for the next 5 years of your lives.

It’s high time, we sit back and should realize that our education system, just like any other institution, is profoundly influenced to lone serve the purpose of the monetary system which benefits only the elitist thereby imposing and conditioning common man to endless servitude.

Man has to evolve from his own ingenuity and our education system has been a complete barrier in attaining that. It has kept us ignorant for far too long and has obstructed young minds from free thinking and critical analyzing. The ramifications of which can be seen in our current society, a society full of war, destruction, poverty, insecurity, discrimination, greed, aggression, hatred and so on.

In a country especially like India, where knowledge is considered divine, one must think -what education has given us if it still hasn’t helped us “being human” and create a healthy sustainable environment.

Hence, one should be open to all kinds of information and ideas. Pay no or little attention to the media. It’s all biased. First and foremost create self-awareness. The internet is a good place to start since it gives a wider access to unadulterated information. Along with rejoicing over a degree and having a job security educate yourselves more about what really matters!

Lastly, in words of Jiddu Krishnamurti –
“There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.”

Abir Khalil

Drowning in Debt

This is a truth that we all turn away from. All credit card holders or anyone who has ever used a credit card knows how tempting shopping becomes with a credit card. Is it the feeling of having no limit, responsible for such greedy behavior, which pushes us to buy things we can't afford ? It looks like a credit balance would just make one more capable to do things but it is just hindering you in more ways than you can think.

Behind this evil stand not only all the big financial corporations but also the production companies, as they all benefit from this system.  Here i am not talking about the monetary system, even though i think it is a bigger evil than the credit system, i know it is going to take time to entirely remove money from this world. On the other hand we just can't wait for it to happen magically. We have to take continuous and strong steps from our sides too. 

We must strictly say no to credit cards. If you have a credit card please get a pair of scissors and cut that card into pieces. If you think it is good to have a credit card in case of emergencies, make sure you are strong enough to resist the mainstream market that is hell bent on filling your home with the useless low quality junk they make.

- Salman

Monday, December 5, 2011


Kisiko pal ke liye hasakar
Zindagi bhar ki khushi aaj vaada na karna

Kisika pal mai haath thaam kar
Zindagi bhar ka saath aaj vaada na karna

Vaade tou is pal ke liye hote hai, Us kal ke liye nahi

Jiske aansu ki har wajeh kal aap hoge
Uske aansu humesha pochne ki aaj vaada na karna



Sunday, December 4, 2011


- Salman


This sketch was done by Bony, this is the raw photograph of the final sketch. Now through a series of posts we shall show you the limitless diversion of art styles that can be achieved using Photoshop.

- Bony