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Friday, November 25, 2011


All it takes to live life is,
a person who you could hold on to always,
something you love doing,
a pinch or a say a li'l entertainment,
a home to run to when your dismayed,
some good food to eat,
along with a drink for sure.

Then why all this drama?
why all this pressure?
why all this pain?
why this run ?

Stay still for while,
look around...
enjoy the beauty ,
look at people,
and be happy
for how unique each one is,
look at urself,
and be happy for what you are!

There is a lot to feel good for,
there is always a reason to smile,
maybe a smile on your face
could make someone else smile.

Life is too short,
hours and days run by,
weeks and months just go,
years just pass away,
and you find yourself gone,
this place would know you no more.

So make the most of it!
live life to make a difference!!
At least to make someone smile
with your presence,
so that when your gone ,
the sweet fragance still remains. :)


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