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Thursday, July 19, 2018


Tripping about 2024
Lost in a feeling so strong and bold
Letting all emotions go
not what I save or blow
not trying to fight the flow
for reasons that I don't know
Why is it so hard to simply say NO
Why is life such a catch and throw
How did birds overcome vertigo
can kindness be full of gore
Are we the only animals that get bored
as these questions grow
I seek answers even more
since we all are getting old
since our lives unfold
since everything has been told
Tie a knot made of gold
between the heart, mind and soul
Buy from the devil what you have sold
when its time for summer snow
Watch the tears become cold
knock on destiny's door
or crash that beat on the floor

Thursday, April 12, 2018


a life in
between these plains
that thrives
on the fact
that it is not
a mere connection
but also connected
in these connections
there is a lot to decipher

it is sad
that fearful feelings
like jealousy and envy
gives birth to anger
raising sirens about
how in construction
of loving constructs
messages get misconstrued
by the desensitizer

mere words
put in an order
to form lists of sentences
explained through
the words of an advisor

to uphold
the legacy
of the legend
the one who rides
the longest is a miser

options, opinions
a billion choices
for a single outcome
the aim achieved
by having chosen neither

Experiencing everything
collecting even more
experiences like
a musical escapade
through water and fire