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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Shriram Life Insurance, Cafeteria Design

Too many times working as freelancer I have faced a situation where I did not get payed after doing the work. Cheaters and liars, move fast but don't go far. I have become a little thick skinned and mentally prepared for such situations over the years. That somehow shouldn't stop me from sharing stories about high class corporate companies which screw with small timers like me.

So this tale is about Shriram Life Insurance, Hyderabad. I work with a small team of three people on interior designing projects. So we got a call from Mr. Vinay from Shriram Life Insurance asking us to redesign the cafeteria. We went there got the measurements, he told us that he wanted to increase the seating space and would like to see the design in 2D and 3D images.

I told my partners that we will ask for a small advance before we start the work. They thought that a corporate company with such high reputation would never back off from such an agreement. I had a bad feeling about this from the start. We made various designs and even made modifications according to his requirements. After receiving all the design from us, he simply stopped responding.

Such is the state of things but do-gooders(like me) need not worry about a thing. Why ? Cause, I'm eating good, Can't bring me down !!!! :D

1 comment:

  1. If you are really in need of life insurance then shriram life insurance is one of the best company I have ever experienced.
