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Monday, January 6, 2014

My Love like the Wind.

My love is like the wind,
it comes and goes.
At times it is still,
sometimes it flows.
There are times it sucks,
times when it blows.
It has its own will.
When I don't, love knows.

Sometimes it is dry.
I don't know why.
Sometimes it is fast
but doesn't really last.
Sometimes it's INSANE
like a tropical hurricane.
Sometimes it will
make you freeze.
Like the cold,
cold winter breeze.
Sometimes it feels
like a sin.
like your forehead
in the summer wind.

It can destroy homes,
change lives forever.
Like a storm,
disguised as a lover.
When you're up against it,
spread out your wings.
A natural force of life,
is what I bring.
As you glide towards the sky,
teach yourself how to fly.
My love is wild and free,
like the wind it blows.
You can harness its energy,
but the wind will flow.
for evermore.

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