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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What does "barbaricexpression" mean ?

It doesn't actually mean anything. It wouldn't take a ten year old to tell that it isn't a real word but it has a meaning and a message to it. it is obviously two different words put together to propagate a message.

Barbaric meaning uncivilized, brutal, primitive and wild. Expression, well i guess we know our language good enough to know what it means. here "barbaricexpression" doesn't mean a wild expression or something violent. It means the most basic thing about our life. Emotions and feelings are never the same, they are barbaric,  not well arranged and organised. They roam around wild and free. They cannot be controlled. They have a will of their own and this is the most basic principle of life. That not everything is in your control. you could either choose to accept and grow, or, don't accept and cease to exist. this doesn't mean accepting everything that comes your way. this means that accepting life for what it is.

well this was my first blog and i wanted to write something about what i mean by "barbaricexpression".
and of course like all things in life, my interpretation doesn't have to be the right one.

- Salman

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