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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Only if


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Is this hope?

There is life in the darkest of oceans.

There is light in the deepest of space.

There are answers for almost all questions.

There is a personality behind every face.

Every stone has vibrating particles.

Every path has difficult obstacles.

Every night has a day.

Every destination has a way.

There is kindness in the coldest of hearts.

There is an entirety to a seperated part.

There is flow in the stillest of pictures.

There is silence in the loudest of lectures.

Every story has an audience.

Every memory has an experience.

Every storm has a center.

Every prey has a hunter.

There is success in the worst of losses.

There is an individual in every chorus.

There is a dream that remains unseen.

There is a common ground in between.

Every man wants to stand tall.

Every rise has a fall.

Every goal was a dream.

Every dawn has a scheme.  

There is a chance I can take.

There is a choice I can make.

Every loving heart will cry.

Every living being will die.