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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Future Perfect Tense

I'm going to cleanse my soul, so i start with my thoughts
I'm going to put it all out there, risk all i got
I'm going to pull down the sky, raise up the earth.
I'm going to make all the suits play in the dirt
I'm going to spread out my word, till the end of time
I'm going to go on a date with destiny, have what's mine
I'm going to stand by my word, keep your trust
I'm going to focus my love, not give into lust
I'm going to peek into my own self, fix what's wrong
I'm going to wait for you, even if it takes too long
I'm going to work on my weaknesses, build up my strengths
I'm going to go far distances, covering great lengths

I'm going to find out what chances does true love have in this world.

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