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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Strife Within

Words running
in my head
faster than
I can catch
Fire burning
in my heart
not even
a thousand suns
can match
What is
this madness
that has
taken over
I have
no control
Incomplete promises
made to the soul
remind me
again and again
What this is
Where i am
Adding to
the pain

Stuck in
a loop
of heart break
and misery
I don't want
to break free
With no hope
to have what i
want and need
I know not
how to
beg and plead

certainly has
its role to play
Fear looming over
as i stroll along
these lanes
so chaotic
and confusing
Chasing an
endless rainbow
Wasting my time
on some
stupid fantasy
My actions now
will create
what the
future holds
To have
what i wish,
it all comes
down to me
I'm both
in fear
and love
Trying to
find the centre
of my being
Raising up
what's below
pulling down
what's above